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Should You Have Genetic Testing for Your Embryos? Maybe

Fertility Articles, Fertility Blog

Should You Have Genetic Testing for Your Embryos? Maybe


Medical advances — such as genetic testing applied to reproductive medicine — offer helpful new techniques designed to improve your chances of having a healthy baby.

If in vitro fertilization (IVF) is used – where embryos are created by combining eggs and sperm in the lab – preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) can check for abnormal chromosomes or genes so that genetically unhealthy embryos are not transferred to the uterus, improving the likelihood of a healthy live birth.

All women at all ages have some eggs with chromosomal and genetic abnormalities and this increases with age. Some women may also have a medical history and other factors that increase their risk of specific chromosome or genetic abnormalities. This all reduces the chances of making an embryo that will enable a woman to get or stay pregnant with a healthy baby.

Read more on Dr. Adamson’s blog on the Huffington Post.

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