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How to maintain one’s mental health and well-being while dealing with infertility

Fertility Articles, Fertility Blog, Katie's Journey

Woman taking a moment to destress

Dealing with infertility takes a toll on your body and your mind. It’s so important to care for your mental health along the way. These are a few things that worked for me.

Feel Your Honest Feelings

I had to learn how to allow myself the mental space to define what I was really feeling on any given day. Even admitting to myself that it was okay to not be okay took time. I spent a lot of time trying to distract myself or bury the thoughts I was afraid to have, but there’s a balance between fighting it and spiraling. Carve out some dedicated time to sit with yourself and seek out the information you want. When that time is up, move on to something totally different that brings you joy.

Put Yourself First

Many of us who are pursuing fertility treatments are family-oriented, and sometimes that means we’re used to putting others first. It was natural for me to check in on everyone else before I ever asked myself what I needed, and that behavior had to be inverted during my treatment. I had to put myself first in a way I had never done before, and sometimes that was as simple as clearly stating my needs to my husband, or even accepting that it was okay to skip out on a social event I just wasn’t feeling up to attending.

Identify Your People

Decide who you’re comfortable letting in on what you’re going through. It’s tempting to shut the world out but doing so leaves you feeling alone in moments where you need to feel the love and support of your friends and family. You’re allowed to be choosy, but make sure you choose to surround yourself with love and not shut yourself away.

Tailor Your Media Habits to Your New Reality

You may not want to hear this, but one of the most effective ways to care for your mental health is to be mindful of the media you consume. If you find yourself comparing your experience to what you see on social media or TV, that’s a sign to dial it back and use the mute button.

The most important thing you can do is to be mindful of how you can adjust what you do and who you speak with to support yourself best. You are the only expert on your own needs, so make sure you try to meet them.

Read more about how to handle the stress of infertility.

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