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Home » Having It All: How young professionals can grow family and career in tandem

Having It All: How young professionals can grow family and career in tandem

by | Employee, Fertility Blog

Young professional woman

Everyone wants to “have it all.” For U.S. residents it’s also called the “American Dream”: the idea that a person who works hard can have a successful career, fulfilling family life, and emotional contentment. This pressure is especially strong for young professionals who are at their most dynamic and energetic, even as economic realities seem to push this dream further out of reach. A prosperous career and healthy family are both attainable goals, but goals that must be balanced and carefully tended. Focusing too much on one will almost always damage the other, so young professionals must approach both with intention and strategy.

Thankfully, modern medicine offers family planning options not available to past generations of aspiring parents and business leaders. Fertility treatments today allow people to make precise and flexible plans for growing their families in a way that minimally or barely disrupts a promising career. 

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