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Empowering Families: ARC Fertility Redefines Family-Forming Benefits

by | Employee, Employer, Fertility Blog

Employer and Employee Shaking Hands

In a world where building a family takes on diverse and unique forms, ARC Fertility, a highly experienced national provider of innovative fertility and family-forming benefits for self-insured employers and their employees, stands as a beacon of support, reshaping the journey to parenthood. The organization is leading the charge in providing higher quality care, improved patient outcomes, lower costs and nationwide scalability. With an unwavering commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, ARC Fertility is transforming the landscape of family-forming benefits, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to embrace the joys of parenthood.

Quality Care at the Heart of Every Family

ARC Fertility’s commitment to excellence begins with a national network of top-tier fertility clinics. These clinics provide evidence-based treatment packages designed to be scalable across diverse geographic areas. The result? Unparalleled quality of care, personalized to meet the unique needs of every individual and family.

Since 1997, ARC has served 4.3 million direct-to-consumer (D2C) customers, personally serviced 1.3 million and helped 80,000+ have a family. ARC currently serves the equivalent of several hundred thousand members annually.

Its validated, peer-reviewed Centers of Excellence offer evidence-based medicine to produce optimal outcomes.

Navigating the Pathways to Parenthood

ARC Fertility understands that the journey to parenthood is different for everyone. To ensure that every path is respected and supported, ARC offers personal concierge care navigation. This personalized guidance ensures that individuals and couples receive the most relevant and tailored support on their family-forming journey.

Our services extend throughout the treatment process, including when patients are treated in our clinics. ARC provides personalized, expert navigation and emotional support for every step of an employee’s journey from preconception through fertility/family planning, pregnancy and return to work.

The ARC umbrella of care supports patients with best-in-class resources and tools on education, treatment management and stress reduction. Our Concierge Care Navigators help every patient navigate through their own family-forming journey.

Affordability Redefined

One of the most significant barriers to family-forming options is the financial aspect. ARC Fertility believes that cost constraints should never stand in the way of realizing the dream of parenthood. ARC Fertility reduces financial stress through affordable fertility financing options, discounted multi-cycle IVF treatment packages and fertility medications.

By negotiating discounts and implementing waste avoidance strategies, ARC has managed to reduce costs by 15-40% compared to other fertility providers. Moreover, there are no per-member-per-month fees, and employers only pay when their employees receive services from ARC’s vetted partners. This groundbreaking approach makes family-forming benefits affordable and accessible to all.

Scalability Ensuring Consistency Nationwide

Recognizing the diverse needs of businesses and their employees, ARC Fertility offers customizable solutions designed to cater to companies of various sizes. Flexible plan designs, along with optional programs such as pharmacy services and employee financing, make ARC Fertility a scalable choice for businesses aiming to enhance their employee benefits packages without compromising quality or outcomes.

Family-forming benefits should not be limited by geographical boundaries. ARC Fertility ensures consistency nationwide by offering customizable solutions for companies of all sizes. As the largest physician-led fertility care network in the United States with 450 vetted and board-certified reproductive endocrinology infertility specialists across more than 250 locations, ARC guarantees that the quality of care remains unwavering, regardless of where employees are located.

ARC Fertility believes the best fertility care is local. ARC does not own fertility clinics; it partners with the best fertility specialists in the country – the ARC Network. The key clinical relationship is between patients and their local doctor. Our carefully selected network of top, board-certified fertility specialists – the largest in the nation – makes it easy to find the right doctor close to home.

Supporting Diversity and Inclusivity

At ARC Fertility, inclusivity is not just a buzzword; it’s a core value. The organization respects and supports every individual’s right to build a family, regardless of financial background, sexual orientation, gender identity, background, ethnicity or other status. 

By offering a range of optional programs, including cost-effective pharmacy services, pregnancy support, lactation and return-to-work programs, ARC ensures that the needs of diverse families are met with sensitivity and understanding.

Join Us in Empowering Families

ARC Fertility proudly offers a comprehensive range of high-quality, affordable fertility care with the best outcomes — regardless of employer contribution. Services include: 

• Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 

• In vitro fertilization (IVF)

• Preconception genetic testing and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) 

• Male fertility treatments, including testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) and microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA

Egg freezing and banking 

• Sperm, egg and embryo donation 

• Surrogacy 

• Adoption 

• Family-forming financing 

• Emotional support

ARC Fertility invites you to join them in their mission to redefine family-forming benefits. By embracing quality care, improved outcomes, lower costs and nationwide scalability, ARC is paving the way for a future where every individual and family can experience the profound joy of parenthood.

For more information, please visit ARC Fertility.

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